Stay Ahead of the Storm with Advanced Squall Detection

Anticipating severe weather ensures safety and operational efficiency in the ever-changing maritime environment. The Squall Warning System, developed by our trusted partner Furuno, is a state-of-the-art solution that gives you the upper hand against unpredictable squalls.

With this system integrated into your operations, you can provide your crew with the peace of mind that comes from being able to detect and respond to rapidly changing weather conditions.

Furuno WR-2120 radar screenshot

Why Choose the Squall Warning System from Furuno?

Their Squall Warning System stands out due to its unparalleled precision and reliability. By utilising advanced weather radar technology, this system detects squalls and other hazardous weather phenomena with remarkable accuracy, offering you the critical time needed to make informed decisions. Moreover, the system can be customised to meet your specific needs of different maritime operations, ensuring its adaptability and effectiveness.

Key features include:

  • Early Detection: Identify approaching squalls well in advance, giving you the time to adjust your operations and ensure safety on board.
  • Real-Time Alerts: Receive instant notifications, allowing your crew to take immediate action to mitigate risks.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The intuitive design ensures that your crew can operate the system efficiently, requiring minimal training.
Furuno Squall Warning System

Seamless Integration with Furuno’s Advanced Weather Radar Technology

At WISE Group, we pride ourselves on offering only the best solutions for our clients, and the Squall Warning System is no exception. This system is designed to work harmoniously with Furuno’s advanced weather radars, ensuring you have the most accurate and timely information at your fingertips.

By choosing the Squall Warning System from Furuno, you are investing in a product and a comprehensive safety solution. This system gives your crew the tools to predict, prepare for, and navigate through squalls, thus providing a safety net that minimises potential downtime and operational disruptions.

Partnering for a Safer Future

Our partnership with Furuno allows us to bring cutting-edge technology to our clients, ensuring you are equipped with the tools necessary to navigate the complexities of maritime weather. The Squall Warning System is a testament to our commitment to safety and innovation in the harshest environments.

Contact Us

For more informationon how the Squall Warning System can be integrated into your operations, please get in touch with us.