Our Code Principles set out the core requirements for our conduct in WISE Group.

Our Code Standards include specific requirements and guidance for critical risk areas.

The Code of Conduct helps us all make informed decisions and explains where to go for more information and guidance.


The Code of Conduct applies to all employees and everyone acting on behalf of WISE Group, including the Board of Directors.

We expect our vendors, suppliers, contractors and other Business Partners to commit to and uphold the same high ethical standards that we follow ourselves.


The four Code Principles and specific requirements contained in the Code Standards form our basic obligations. Additional requirements in our Policies and Manuals must also be understood and followed.

The Code sets clear requirements to manage our day-to-day operations and to guide us when we are confronted with challenges and ethical dilemmas.

The Code cannot cover every dilemma or situation we will face in our business. There will continue to be business challenges and uncertain legal and regulatory developments. In such cases, we are not relieved from the obligation to uphold the highest ethical standard, but we should seek guidance to help us make the right decision. Further to setting out our own ethical standards, the Code Principles require us to comply with applicable laws and regulations.


The Code Principles form the foundation of our ethical culture and define the core of our business conduct:

  1. We play by the rules: We follow laws, regulations and our policies and, if in conflict, we uphold the highest standard
  2. We are accountable for our actions: We actively seek information, understand our responsibilities, and recognize our wider impact on the societies in which we operate
  3. We are transparent and honestWe are open and truthful with our challenges
  4. We speak upWe ask questions when in doubt and raise concerns without concern of retaliation


  • Anti-Corruption: WISE Group has zero tolerance for corruption
  • Competition: We compete fairly
  • Confidentiality and Information Handling: We treat information as a valuable asset
  • Conflict of Interest: We always act in the WISE Group`s best interests
  • Climate & Environment: We are committed to protecting the environment and contributing to the prevention of climate change
  • Financial Integrity and Fraud: We maintain accurate financial records and comply with all disclosure standards
  • Gifts, Hospitality and Travel: We cover our own expenses and use good judgment when offering business courtesies
  • Health & Safety and People Security (HS&S): We provide a safe and secure workplace for all employees and our suppliers
  • Human Rights and Labour Rights: We respect human rights and labour rights
  • Insider Trading: We do not share or act on insider information
  • Money Laundering: WISE Group is firmly opposed to all forms of money laundering
  • Privacy: We earn trust by protecting personal data
  • News and Social Media: We always act responsibly in our external communications
  • Public Officials: We follow high ethical standards when interacting with Public Officials
  • Safeguarding our Assets: Risk-based security is embedded in everything we do
  • Workplace Environment: We treat each other with respect and dignity